The Hotel Collective showcases hotels throughout key destinations in Australia QUEENSLANDExplore Queensland with exceptional range of quality serviced accommodation properties. Explore SOUTH AUSTRALIARelax across South Australia and enjoy unique food and beverage facilities throughout the cities. Relax NEW SOUTH WALESGet with iconic landmarks such as the Opera House, Harbour Bridge & Bondi Beach. Experience NORTHERN TERRITORYVisit some of the worlds finest wineries, beautiful countryside and experience historical architecture. Unwind TASMANIAChill in Tasmania and enjoy the great outdoor pursuits this island has to offer. Chill VICTORIARelax in Victoria and enjoy unique food and beverage facilities throughout the city. Relax ON THE ROADParty on the Gold Coast with the highest concentration of theme parks in the southern hemisphere. Stay RURAL ESCAPESParty on the Gold Coast with the highest concentration of theme parks in the southern hemisphere. Stay CITY BREAKSVisit some of the worlds finest wineries, beautiful countryside and experience historical architecture. Discover LUXURY TOUCHIndulge with the luxuries and experience Australia has to offer. Indulge COASTAL GETAWAYSChill out by the beach or unwind by the coastlines of Australia Chill List your property on our channels and gain access to exclusive deals on OTA commission rates! LEARN MORE